“Ligneous Presences” an exhibition by the sculptor Loreno Sguanci
Posted in Updates on 10 July 2007

On Saturday 14 July 2007 at 6pm, "Ligneous Presences" an exhibition by the internationally renowned sculptor Loreno Sguanci will be inaugurated at the Museo Pietraia dei Poeti, Contrada Barattelle, San Benedetto del Tronto.
This exhibition arose from a collaboration with the Museo Tattile Statale Omero of Ancona and The Italian Union of the Blind. Around twenty works created over the last twenty years will be on display in the museum. Sguanci's wooden totemic sculptures are also accessible to the non- and partially-sighted.
During the event Matteo Giardini, will read passages from Dante's Purgatory. The exhibition will be open until 31 August every day from 6pm to 11pm.