Sensi d’estate 2007

Sensi d'estate 2007, the Museum's summer cultural programme, has now reached its sixth edition. The three diverse localities chosen for our multi-sensory exhibitions of art, music, literature, and the odours and
flavours of nature, continue to prove their worth.
The programme, consisting of nine high-quality events, runs from 5 July to 30 August. The Museo Omero welcomes you every Thursday in July and August at 9.30pm.

Each evening there will be an outdoor show, a multi-sensory exhibition inside the museum and tastings in the courtyard.
The shows: will be held on the panoramic terrazza of the Palazzo Leopardi, seat of the Regione Marche, and will start at 9.30pm. They include encounters with artists, dance, poetry and concerts of jazz, classical and modern music, with rhythms and sounds from all over the world.
The emotion tree: after the show, adults and children can immerse themselves in a universe of the emotions evoked by the art and the forms offered by the Museum. The tree, symbol of the complexity of the human emotions is the key element of the interactive exhibition.
Tastings: each evening will conclude in the museum courtyard with the flavours of produce from local farms and vineyards selected by the Coldiretti - Campagna Amica and with wonderful freshly-made icecream from the Gelateria Artigianale Al Belvedere di Agugliano.

We begin on 5 July:  This evening is dedicated to Nostalgia and Memory.
Starting at 9.30pm with maestro Marco Poeta who presents '' Fado, the soul and its music'' with Marco Poeta, Portuguese guitar, Paolo Galassi, classical guitar and Elisa Ridolfi, voice. During the interval there will be an encounter with the sculptor Valerio Valeri who will talk about his work which is dedicated to an old area of Ancona which was severely damaged in a landslide: "A landmark for the Borghetto ...against forgetfulness".
 The museum exhibition on the emotions is dedicated to Nostalgia and the Memoriy and culminates in the Architecture of Ancona room with a model of Valeri's statue and panels illustrating his creative process.

Sensi d'estate 2007 enjoys the patronage of the Regione Marche, with the contribution of the Provincia di Ancona and the Banca delle Marche, and works in collaboration with: EffettoLuce of Recanati;
''L'incontro musicale'' an Association based in Ancona, artistic director Deborah Vico; Rossini Pianoforti of Castelfidardo; Gelateria Artigianale Al Belvedere of Agugliano; Athena snc of Ancona and Coldiretti - Campagna Amica.

The argricultural businesses and wine producers taking part are: Ceci Enrico of San Paolo di Jesi; Ceci Maurizio of San Paolo di Jesi; Cherubini Simone of Cupramontana; Peloni Rosita of Rosola, Pianello
Vallesina; Arpini Mirco of Serra San Quirico; Sargenti Martino of Fabriano; Fattoria S. Lorenzo di Crognaletti Natalino of Montecarotto and Terra Grata di Massimo Maffeo of Montecarotto.

Sensi d'estate 2007
Multisensory routes through art, music, literature and tastings.
Starts 9.30pm.
Entry from the Museo Tattile Statale Omero, via Tiziano 50, Ancona.

The Terrazza of the Palazzo Leopardi, seat of the Regione Marche: The shows: encounters with artists, dance, poetry and concerts of jazz, modern and classical music, with rhythms and sounds from all over the world.

The exhibition rooms
The emotion tree: this tree, which symbolizes the complexity of human emotions,is the key element in the interactive exhibition held inside the museum.

Museum courtyard
Tastings: each eveing will conclude in the courtyard of the Museum with freshly-made ice cream and the opportunity to enjoy the flavours of produce from local farms and vineyards.

Thursday 5 July
Meet the sculptor Valerio Valeri.
Marco Poeta presents
Il Fado, the soul and its music
with Marco Poeta, Portuguese guitar;
Paolo Galassi, classical guitar;
Elisa Ridolfi, voice.

Thursday 12 July
Meet the sculptor Loreno Sguanci.
Tribute to Edith Piaf
Eleonora Alessandrini, voice;
Francesco Fagotti, piano.

Thursday 19 July
The emotions of a movement.
Studio dance, Ancona;
Gruppo Evidanse, Pesaro;
Monica Gironi, voice;
Francesca Gironi, dance.

Thursday 26 July
Armando Battiston in concert.
Piano and keyboards, accordion, mouthorgan, flute.

Thursday 2 August
Meet the sculptor Felice Tagliaferri.
Treis Irmao
Bossa Nova sung, played, dreamed.
Doriano Marcucci, guitar and voice;
Amedeo Griffoni, percussion;
Stefano Conforti, saxes;
Ludovico Carmenati, double bass.

Thursday 9 August
The Sponges
Lorenzo Ricci, guitar;
Francesco D'Alessio, bass;
Federico Occhiodoro, drums and percussion.

Thursday 16 August
Voyage across the Mediterranean
Music from the Jewish, Arab, Greek and Italian cultures.
Trio Elachim.
Michele Scipioni, clarinet;
Giovanni Seneca, guitar;
Eolo Taffi, double bass.

Thursday 23 August
Teatr-laboratorium 27 aikot
Poetry by Nazim Hikmet
with Vincenzo Di Bonaventura.

Thursday 30 August
Fisorchestra Città di Castelfidardo in concert.
Fundraising evening for the Oncology Centre of Macerata Hospital headed by
Dr Luciano Latini.
If it should rain, the concert will be postponed to 31 August.

The emotion tree.
The interlaced branches, leaves, flowers and fruit of a tree are as complex as the entanglement of our inner sensations which move us to love, to desire, to be amazed to feel emotions.

5 July: Nostalgia - Memory
12 July: Fullness - Emptiness
19 July: Pain - Pleasure
26 July: Joy - Sadness
2 August: Amazement - Wonder
9 August: Fear - Courage to express oneself
16 August: Love - Hate
23 August: Horror - Beauty
30 August: Psychic energy

Tuesday 7 August at 10 pm.

Cantiere Borges 1986-2006
Produced by the Museo Tattile Statale Omero.
Corte del Fortino Napoleonico
Portonovo, Ancona.