The “Around Beethoven” Concert


International Day of Persons with Disabilities
3 December 2020 at 6.00 pm

The "Around Beethoven" Concert reconstructs the Viennese musical environment surrounding the painful story of Ludwig van Beethoven's loss of hearing, yet whose deafness did not prevent him composing the great masterpieces of his maturity. There are pieces by composers who influenced Beethoven's development - Salieri, Mozart, Haydn - and by some of his contemporaries - Rossini, Schubert, Weber. The works will be performed by soloists from the Accademia d'Arte Lirica, Osimo, together with the pianist, Alessandro Benigni.

The concert will be held behind closed doors at the Museo Omero in Ancona and will be filmed and broadcast live on the Osimoweb and Museo Omero Facebook platform.

The concert is part of the programme of events in the Progetto "Oltre l'Ascolto - Esperienze di diversa abilità nella dimensione della musica" ("Beyond Listening – Experiences of diverse abilities in the musical dimension" project), promoted by the Accademia d'Arte Lirica di Osimo, the Lega Del Filo d'Oro and the Museo Tattile Statale Omero, in collaboration with the Conservatorio "G. Rossini", Pesaro and the Associazione "Ragazzi Oltre" di Ancona – with financial support from the Cariverona Bank and the patronage of the Garante Regionale dei diritti alla persona.

The next concert will be at the Teatro La Nuova Fenice, Osimo on 12 December at 6pm.

The programmes all have the theme of "Music and different abilities" and are the result of writing and ensemble music workshops.
The creation of musical – and therefore affective and expressive - relationships between people with diverse communication skills is an integral part of the project.
Musicians from different backgrounds (composers, instrumentalists and singers, including students and teachers from the Conservatorio "G. Rossini", Pesaro and from the Accademia, Osimo) had musical experiences with patients from the Lega del Filo d'Oro, diversely able musicians, school pupils, residents of care homes, health facilities, prisons.