
elementi della mole stilizzata

Twenty-third edition.
Wednesdays from 17 July to 21 August 2024.
Shows at 9.30 pm in the Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona.

Posted on 5 July 2024

ArtScience to Explain the Ocean.
Wednesday 22nd May 2024 - 4:30pm.
State Tactile Omero Museum.

Posted on 20 May 2024
rilievo modellato in plastilina del volto spaventato di giovane: dal dipinto Ragazzo con ramarro di Caravaggio

Sunday 19th of May - 10.30 am.
State Tactile Omero Museum, Ancona.
Guided tour with expatiation on typhlo-didactic aids.

Posted on 17 May 2024
Scritta Invisible Inclusive and Innovative

Innovative methods and tools for the fruition of higher education courses by ViB (visually impaired and blind people).
Wednesday 6th of December 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sala Ex Fiera della Pesca, Ancona.

Posted on 3 December 2023
aldo grassini e daniela bottegoni

The film will be shown at the Ridotto del Teatro delle Muse in Ancona on Thursday 31 August at 9pm and at the Museo Virtuale della Scultura e dell'Architettura in Pietrasanta on Saturday 9 September at 6pm.

Posted on 23 August 2023

21 October and 4, 11, 18 November 2022 at 5 pm.
Ancona, Museo Tattile Statale Omero.

Posted on 3 November 2022