Barrier-free access to museums and artistic and aesthetic education for the visually handicapped. Fourth edition

Course dates: 19 and 20 April 2007.
Opening date for enrolment: 26 February.
Closing date for enrolment: 13 April.

Aimed at

Class and support teachers from all schools;
Education Service directors and staff working in the Monuments and Fine Arts Office or in museums;
Museum and heritage staff;
People working in the disability sector.


To encourage the integration of the visually handicapped at school and in society by providing the personnel working in these areas with the necessary knowledge and skills to make museums accessible and to promote valid and meaningful art and aesthetic education.


To learn about the methods, aids, technologies and best practice used to encourage access to museums for the visually handicapped;
To get to know the possibilities, methods and aids used for artistic and aesthetic education for the visually handicapped;
To learn about the information and other technologies which can increase the visually handicapped person's autonomy and learning ability.

Subjects studied

The right of the visually handicapped to enjoy culture balanced against the need to protect artefacts;
Easy museum access for the handicapped: regulations and guidelines;
Methods and aids for improving access to museums for the blind and partially sighted;
Main Italian and international examples of working practice;
Artistic and aesthetic education for the visually handicapped;
Aids for relief drawing;
Creating images and aesthetic evaluation;
Electronic technology and aids which can increase the non-sighted person's autonomy and learning ability;
Museo Omero, Ancona: the function of a tactile Museum;
The Museo Omero's education services;
Learning about the conventions of painting through the conversion to low-reliefs of selected works by the Museo Anteros of the 'F. Cavazza' Institute for the Blind, Bologna;
The documentation Centre, Publications, Internet resources.


Monica Bernacchia, Cristiana Carlini, Roberto Farroni, Aldo Grassini, Andrea Socrati, Annalisa Trasatti, Massimiliano Trubbiani (Omero State Tactile Museum), Luigi Calcerano (Ministery of Education, the Universities and Research), Paolo De Cecco (Support Technologies), Bruno De Sanctis (Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities), Hoelle Corvest (Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Parigi), Francesca Piccardi (Tiflological Centre, Assisi), Loretta Secchi (Anteros Tactile Museum, Bologna).


Museum Tattile Statale Omero di Ancona.


The courses are officially recognized and will be held in collaboration with the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per le Marche, Ancona.

Course organization:
Course lasts: 15 hours.
Certificates will be awarded only to students who have attended at least 11 hours of the course.
Minimum number of students in the course: 30.
Maximum number of students in the course: 60.
Course fee: 60.00 Euros.

How to enrol:
If you want to enrol, you must complete and sign the application form then send it to the Museum office together with a photocopy of the proof of payment of the 60 Euro course fee payable to TESORERIA COMUNE DI ANCONA at their Post Office current account, no. 13275607. In the Causale box on the post office form, you should write Iscrizione corso formazione Museo Omero. Your application should arrive by 13 April at the latest. The date on the postmark will be valid in the case of late arrivals.

Applications can be sent by fax to (0039) 071.2818358 or by post to the address below:
Museo Tattile Statale Omero
Segreteria Servizi Didattici
Via Tiziano, 50
60125 Ancona

Information: For any further information please contact our Learning Services Office at (0039) 071/2811935 or send an email to