Junior and senior secondary schools

A group of youngsters are visiting the museum blindfolded.

There are three educational activities for secondary schools, two which experiment with an exclusively tactile reading of works of art and their graphic rendering. The other is dedicated to discovering the Braille code, following a blindfold visit to the collection.
All the info on booking and costs can be found at the bottom of the page.

The rare objects factory

Intended only for senior secondary schools.

During the visit to the Design Collection, we will encounter a series of objects that inhabit our homes, and we will ask ourselves: What is design? Who is the designer? How is an object made? How does a unique object become a series and enter our homes? It all starts with an idea that turns into a drawing, a project, and then… into an object. In the workshop, the class will have an unusual experience: like in a craftsman’s workshop, they will manufacture objects using plaster and liquid clay molds, giving life to a mass production of similar but different objects. The artifacts will be left at the museum to be fired and, once ready, they can be collected. The firing service does not incur additional costs.

Our aims:

  • Introduce to design.
  • Develop creative thinking.
  • Enhance tactile perception and observation.
  • Experiment with the use of liquid clay.
    Duration: 2 hours.

On the trail of the designer

The class, divided into working groups, will have the task of reconstructing the project and functioning of the objects in the Design Collection for which the museum has lost the fact sheets.
They will be guided by a folder containing sketches and old advertisements, but above all by their senses, with which they will explore and handle the object in question. At the end they will be the ones to present the product to their classmates, explaining their reflections and becoming designers for a day.
Our aims:

  • earn more about the creative process of designers
  • develop your own creative thinking
    Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Images from the dark

Can your hands see? Do they see like eyes see?
Sight and touch are the only two senses which can comprehend the shape of an object. The class will enjoy an unusual experience when they discover the art and reality of the museum through the sense of touch.
A blindfold tour and careful tactile exploration of a work of art will help provide answers to these questions in a personal way. 

Our aims:

  • introduce contemporary art
  • compare and contrast the senses of touch and sight understand how a tactile image is formed in the mind
  • reflect on the graphic rendering of a work
    Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The Braille code

The class will meet Louis, the blind boy who invented Braille.
We will visit the museum collection and put on blindfolds to explore some works in the contemporary section. Afterwards in the workshop, we will learn about and experiment with the Braille code. 


  • make art accessible
  • compare and contrast the senses of touch and sight
  • get to know and understand the Braille code
  • try out the tools for writing in Braille
  • reflect on the importance of using Braille

Duration: 2 hours.

Bookings and costs

Learning activities must be booked: contact us at 335 569 69 85 (mobile and Whatsapp) at least 15 days in advance. We will help you choose the best laboratory for you and provide the relevant safety advice.

Cost: 70 euros per class group.

Terms of payment:
Postal transfer
Bank transfer
Debit or credit card.

Refunds will not be provided. In case of no show by the school, it will be possible to book another date. To cancel a reservation, just call us or send an email to  prenotazioni@museoomero.it. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, the museum is unable to guarantee your chosen workshop, we will contact the school as soon as possible to arrange an alternative time.