A Braille Lesson at the desks of … the Museum

Ragazzi che leggono e scrivono in Braille

Sunday 20 February 2011,
5 to 6.30pm.

The Museo Tattile Statale Omero is celebrating National Braille Day one day early this year. La Giornata Braille was established by law (legge n. 126 del 2007) to coincide with World linguistic identity defence Day (21 February) promoted by Unesco. Braille is the code which permits the non sighted to access the written cultural heritage.

Sunday 20 February, 5 to 6.30pm - children, mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles or whoever would like to sit at a desk in the Museum can learn to read with their fingers and write with a Braille board and stylus. The eachers will be Daniela Bottegoni and Aldo Grassini, founders of the Museo Tattile Statale Omero. They will tell the story of Louis Braille and how he created this special code that enables the non-sighted to read and write.

An initiative created to increase public awareness of the difficulties faced by non-sighted people, as set out in the above-mentioned law and also in the mission of the Museo Omero.


Museo Tattile Statale Omero
Via Tiziano 50, Ancona.
Cost: 6 Euros.
No charge for: disabled visitors and their helpers.
Booking compulsory. Limited numbers.
Tel. 071 28 11 93 5