A Japanese delegation meets Aldo Grassini

20 June 2023.

The Museo Omero recently welcomed Dr. Chieko Asakawa - Chief Executive Director and Dr. Hironobu Takagi - Executive Director from the Miraikan Museum in Tokyo.

MIRAIKAN is the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, a science museum established by the Japanese Agency of Science and Technology. It is directed by the astronaut, Mamoru Mōri.

During their visit, our illustrious guests were pleasantly surprised by the possibility of touching all the works of art on display in our collection, including Michelangelo's David, the architectural model of the Pantheon and the Venus de Milo.

The two representatives described the Miraikan Accessibility Laboratory to Prof. Aldo Grassini. Its remit includes creating collaborations with international research institutes.

One of the projects they illustrated was the new "AI Suitcase" technology, a navigational robot for blind people. It looks like a commercially available suitcase, yet it can recognize obstacles and people to guide a blind user safely.

In addition to this project, the Miraikan Museum is designing tactile exhibitions, which can be enjoyed by all visitors as well as by people with visual impairments.

A fruitful exchange of experiences between two pioneering entities in the field of accessibility for people with visual impairments.

An open road between Italy and Japan to bring together culture and technology.