Three shows at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna

relevant relief drawing of an airplane

From 23 June 2023.
Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Roma.

In Rome, the Gallery of Modern Art will host three major exhibitions from 23 June: Laboratorio Prampolini#2. Unpublished drawings, notebooks and projects from Futurism to the Art Club; Osvaldo Peruzzi - Splendore geometrico futurista dedicated to the Futurist painter on the twentieth anniversary of his death; Venanzo Crocetti's Dance Student. The return - one of the first major sculptural works by Venanzo Crocetti on the theme of dance.

Exhibition - "Prampolini Laboratory#2. Unpublished drawings, notebooks and projects from Futurism to the Art Club"

Dedicated to Enrico Prampolini and his eclecticism, this exhibition is part of a series of initiatives by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali relating to Italian Futurists whose works are present in the Capitoline art collections.

On display until 14 January 2024 are little-known or previously unpublished works, drawings, graphic and documentary materials from various donations made by the Prampolini heirs to the Sovrintendenza Capitolina, which went to make up the Prampolini Archive held at the Centro Ricerca e Documentazione Arti Visive of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina.

Exhibition - "Osvaldo Peruzzi – "Splendore geometrico futurista" (Futurist geometric splendour)

Almost twenty years after his death, this exhibition celebrates the artist from Livorno with a wide range of his works and an in-depth study of his role within the Futurist panorama.

Osvaldo Peruzzi was by no means a secondary figure in the evolution of Futurism during the 1930s and early '40s. His strong, original personality had already matured by the end of the '20s and the start of the 30s, when Marinetti dubbed him a Futurist at the Galleria Pesaro in Milan.

The exhibition, open until 19 November 2023 and created by its two curators Duranti and Baffoni, presents works from public and private collections, as well as some little-known historical ones made available by the artist's family, thanks to a precious collaboration with his daughters, Stella and Cristina.

Exhibition - "L'Allieva di danza di Venanzo Crocetti. Il ritorno" (Venanzo Crocetti's Dance Student. The return)

"L'Allieva di danza" is on show after more than two years of careful, specialized restoration by technicians from the ICR (The Central Institute for Restoration). It is one of the first major sculptural works by Venanzo Crocetti (1913-2003) on the theme of dance. The work can be enjoyed until January 14, 2024.

The theme of dance had already started to appear in various sketches by the artist in the 1940s and would become a recurring theme in his work from the late 1950s.

Crocetti's sculpture became part of the Municipality of Rome's art collection in 1960 following its purchase at the VIII Quadriennale Nazionale d'Arte (1959-60). L'Allieva di danza had long been in storage due to serious damage to the lower part of the work which had made it structurally unstable.

Thanks to the restoration of the sculpture by the ICR, the work can finally be re-exhibited and appreciated by the public again.


Special attention has been paid to accessibility for people with visual disabilities: a special itinerary, featuring relief drawings and related audio descriptions, has been designed in collaboration with the Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona.