Aisthesis Number 10 – December 2019

This issue has four articles: the first is by the Neurophysiologist Matteo Cerri, who deals with the theme of touch and its complexity; next there is an article by the Director General of the Brera Art Gallery and the Braidense National Library, James Michael Bradburne; then Valeria Bottalico, an expert in museum accessibility and curator of tactile itineraries, writes about her experience in these fields; finally an article by the sculptor Rabarama, a former Biennale Arteinsieme featured artist.

Headquarters of the editorial office and management:
Museo Tattile Statale Omero – Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina da Chio 28 – Ancona.
Publisher: Associazione Per il Museo Tattile Statale Omero ONLUS.
Director: Aldo Grassini.
Managing Director: Gabriella Papini.
Editors: Monica Bernacchia, Andrea Sòcrati, Annalisa Trasatti, Massimiliano Trubbiani, Alessia Varricchio.
Voice: Luca Violini.