The Museums Grand Tour 2024
Posted in Events on 17 May 2024

Sunday 19th of May - 10.30 am.
State Tactile Omero Museum, Ancona.
Guided tour with expatiation on typhlo-didactic aids.
Museums, Training and Research
The Museums Grand Tour is back with its sixteenth edition, dedicated to the discovery of the cultural heritage held in Marche's museums.
The Tour is promoted by the Cultural Institutions of the Marche Region, the Ministry of Culture and ICOM and it is connected to two international events, The International Museum Day and The Long Night of Museums.
The theme suggested by ICOM for this International Museum Day 2024 is "Museums, Training, Research", to underline the role of museums as dynamic educational institutions, promoting learning, research and cultural enrichment, with the objective of contributing to people's wellbeing.
How are typhlo-didactic aids created?
The Omero Museum, on the 19th of May offers a multisensory experience.
The museum's staff will guide the public through a tour of the collection, while Massimiliano Trubbiani, the Referent for the Typhlo-didactic Services will explain how he creates the aids for people with visual disabilities, are available in the museum to visitors and institutions.
The public will be able to discover the artworks through touch and to get to know more about the world of typhlodidactic: Braille texts, relief drawings, relief translations, tactile books, accessible texts with audiopens.
This event is also an occasion to raise awareness about museum accessibility and the inclusion of people with visual impairments in the fields of Art and Culture, but also a way of living a sensory experience in a space without barriers.
Free entry. Booking is compulsory.
Phone and WhatsApp 335 56 96 985; e-mail
State Tactile Omero Museum - Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28, Ancona