Project “The Sea Tales”
Posted in Events on 20 May 2024

ArtScience to Explain the Ocean.
Wednesday 22nd May 2024 - 4:30pm.
State Tactile Omero Museum.
"The Sea Tales - ArtScience to Explain the Ocean" is the project promoted by the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences of Marche Polytechnical University, by the Omero Museum and by the Art Institute Mannucci of Ancona.
The project will be presented on Wednesday the 22nd at 4.30 pm with the inauguration of the installation called "Circular", realised by the students of the Mannucci Art Institute which will be exhibited until September 8. For the whole duration of the event was requested the sponsorship of the Ocean Decade (2021-2030) of the United Nations.
The event is part of the program of the Festival "Tipicità in blu", which celebrates the sea and wants to explore the topics of the Blue Economy, from the 17th to the 24th of May.
The project
The Ocean and its sorrounding are today in a dramatic state. The huge groups of migrants risking their lives to cross the seas and the increasing pollution are known worldwide and they are impossible to deny. The aim of the project is to speak about these intolerable situations and the tools are the languages of Art. The final objective is not only to raise awareness in society in general but especially in younger generations, and involve young people in a concrete way.
The installation "Circular" is a stuffed sea tortoise and it is the first concrete action of the project.
The project is going to be presented in the Conference Room of the Omero Museum at the presence of the President of the Museum, Aldo Grassini, Daniele Silvetti, Mayor of Ancona, Antonella Andreoli, Councillor for Educational Policies, General and Legal Affairs, Information Services and Demographic Services of the Municipality of Ancona, Francesco Regoli, Director of DiSVA-UnivPM and Luca Serafini, the School Principal of the Art Institute E. Mannucci. After the presentation the installation is going to be inaugurated.
The installation speaks about the story of a toirtoise "Caretta caretta", one of the protected species. The tortoise was found dead in February 2023 in the Passetto area by some students of Marine Biology. The students alerted the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences.
From then, thanks to the support of the Cetacean Foundation, of the Zooprophylactic Institute in Forlì and CITES Police Department, it was possible to activate and follow the recovery process and to acquire the permits to keep the animal for didactic-informative purposes.
In the second phase, Stefano Panfili who is a renowned taxidermist, was involved to work on the animal.
The sea tortoise is a migrant animal mostly in search for food and for reproductive purposes and human activities, such as pollution, fishing, loss of habitats and climate change make it more difficult for these animals to survive.
The tortoise is a symbol to tell the sea tales while trying to raise awareness about urgent topics such as social inequities that are the cause of dramatic human migrations and of the rapid loss of biodiversity, issue in which humans are both perpetrators and victims.
It will be possible to visit the installation until the 8th of September 2024.