Design Collection: our new section
Posted in Updates on 17 December 2021

On 18 December 2021, we inaugurate our new Design gallery.
The collection includes thirty-two iconic objects of Italian design which, since the 1960s, have won or been mentioned in the Compasso d'oro industrial design awards. Objects that ask to be touched, listened to, handled, in an exhibition that organizes them by themes: travelling, living, cooking, working, playing.
The philosophy
The idea underpinning its creation is the same as that of the Museo Omero: a multisensory place where you can rediscover, in a free interactive way, the beauty of objects and the talent of those who conceived and produced them. A "home" where you can joyfully experiment with objects.
Creating the exhibition
Fabio Fornasari, exhibition curator: "Things speak to us through their own languages which are not necessarily visual and which also act on our emotions. Like art, design is also a continuous exploration that operates in form, content and matter. In this collection, the Museo Omero gets in touch with thirty-two selected objects, thirty-two variations on design".
Visitors are welcomed by a large terracotta sculpture by Paolo Annibali entitled "Frontone" (Pediment), which evokes the link between Italian design and classicism. The exhibition is laid out in a horseshoe shape, with the small objects arranged on a counter while the larger ones are grouped by theme on display-stands.
The exhibition aims to show the journey of objects from the shops to our homes: even the packaging becomes a scenographic and narrative element. These objects tell us how the history of Italian Design is the result of forward-thinking manufacturers, who were able to welcome the ideas of famous designers and make them part of our daily life.
From the Bialetti Moka to the Cubo radio by Sappers & Zanuso produced by Brionvega, from the Ghost chair by Philippe Starck produced by Kartell to the Valentine typewriter by Ettore Sottsass manufactured by Olivetti, from the 16 animals by Enzo Mari produced by Danese to the Piaggio Vespa by Corradino D'Ascanio.
Accompanying the story of the objects and their creators, there is a specially created soundtrack by the sound designer Paolo Ferrario, and the words of Chiara Alessi, professor of Design at Milan Polytechnic.
The relaxation room
The exhibition itinerary also includes a "Everybody out" room, a place of silence and study, where you can handle and contemplate models of the exhibits away from other people; a pleasant room for everyone and particularly suitable for neurodiverse people.
The audioguide system
Our innovative audioguide system was created by I-Tech CPU. It includes vibrating signals and acoustic information which will enable blind people to experience the collection independently.
The collection is located at the Mandracchio entrance of the Mole Vanvitelliana.
Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28 - Ancona.
Opening hours:
September - June: Tuesday to Sunday 16:00 - 19:00 Sundays and public holidays also 10:00 - 13:00.
1 January 16:00 - 19:00.
July and August: Tuesday to Sunday 17:00 - 20:00; Sundays also 10:00 - 13:00.
Closed: Mondays and 24th, 25th and 31st December.
Admission: 5 euros.
Free admission for categories defined by the Ministry of Culture.
Booking is compulsory.
Telephone and WhatsApp: (+39) 335 56 96 985.
Surgical mask required.