Aisthesis Number 14 – December 2020

Aiesthesis 14 is the final issue for the year 2020 and contains three articles.
In the first, Annalisa Trasatti interviews Antonio Espinosa, director of Villamuseu on the subject of accessibility.
The second is curated by Dr. Maria José Luongo and deals with two themes: the use and enjoyment of architecture, and neuro-sciences.
To conclude, Tiziana Maffei, Director of the Royal Palace of Caserta, explains how the museum she directs is a Green Museum and how it embraces the theory of a sustainable development of society.

Read the magazine in PDF (32 KB). Translation by Simon Jarvis

Headquarters of the editorial office and management:
Museo Tattile Statale Omero – Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina da Chio 28 – Ancona.
Publisher: Associazione Per il Museo Tattile Statale Omero ONLUS.
Director: Aldo Grassini.
Managing Director: Gabriella Papini.
Editors: Monica Bernacchia, Andrea Sòcrati, Annalisa Trasatti, Massimiliano Trubbiani, Alessia Varricchio.
Voice: Luca Violini.