“The clay will tell The hand, the earth, the holy ” by Paolo Annibali exhibition
Posted in Exhibitions on 8 November 2014

8 November 2014 - 15 February 2015. Extended to March 15.
Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona
Clay is the ideal material for a tactile exhibition because it can be touched, explored and caressed with hands. For this reason the exhibition "Dirà l'argilla. La mano, la terra, il sacro" ("The clay will tell. The hand, the earth, the holy") by Paolo Annibali, opened on 8 November in Mole Vanvitelliana, holds a particular meaning.
The exhibition itinerary features 21 big sculptures in clay along with 21 wonderful drawings realised in the last three years according to a project purposely conceived for the spaces of the Museo Tattile Statale Omero. The exhibition is fully accessible to all visitors since every artwork can be experienced through both sight and touch. In addition to touching original works of art, 3D printings are available to blind and visually impaired visitors.
The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue, published by De Luca Editori d'arte, which includes the writings of the curator Flaminio Gualdoni, the writer Erri de Luca and the President of the Museo Tattile Statale Omero Aldo Grassini.
The artist Paolo Annibali exhibits his own artistic path allowing visitors to discover the most intimate spaces of his studio: an hypothetical temple where the main characters do not represent deities or heros, but female figures engaged in gestures of daily life.
Museo Tattile Statale Omero promotes the exhibition with the patronage of Regione Marche, in collaboration with Associazione Per il Museo Omero Tattile Statale Omero ONLUS. Technical sponsors: Adriatica Legnami s.r.l., Cotto Santa Maria della Petrella s.r.l., Mobilificio Binni s.n.c.
Museo Tattile Statale Omero - Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina Giovanni da Chio, 28 - 60121 Ancona
Email: info@museoomero.it
Tel. 071.2811935
Free entrance.
Opening times: Thrusday to Saturday 4-7 pm. Sunday and public holidays 10-1 am; 4-7 pm.
Groups can book visits outwith the usual opening times.
Closed: 25 and 31 December.
Guided tours and educational workshops on request: the cost is 3,70 euros for gropus (min. 10 pax), 4,00 euros for single, free admission disabled people and their carers.