Articolo 27 booklet

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The Articolo 27 booklet is an annual initiative promoted by the Museo Omero and by the Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti culturali – Servizio I – Centro per i Servizi Educativi (Sed) del MiBACT, in collaboration with the Ente Nazionale Sordi (National Organization of the Deaf) and the ANFFAS Onlus (the National Association of Families of People with Intellectual and/or Relational Disabilities) which aims to spotlight the Italian museums and places of culture that have set up initiatives and actions designed to facilitate access to culture in general and to inclusive and meaningful experiences for people with disabilities.

The title refers to Art. 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in particular, the right of every individual “freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts …”.I has been published once a year since 2017 on the institutional websites of the promoters and sent by email once the year to the various Associations of people with disabilities, the Social Services and the relevant Departments of the Regional Councils, the Regional Educational Offices, the Associations of Tourist Guides and to anyone from other fields who may be interested in these matters.

An Articolo 27 booklet is issued for every Biennale Arteinsieme – culture and cultures without barriers. In addition to articles about the initiatives organized by the Institutions taking part in the Biennale, it provides information about the museums and places of culture that have accessible collections and their proposed educational activities.

The listed facilities have (a sine qua non condition for being included) designated personnel who will answer your queries about the special activities and pathways and to provide all the necessary information for planning your visit in the best possible way.

Please note:
By express indication of the Direzione Generale Musei, the data collection system developed within the “AD. Arte. L’Informazione. Un sistema informativo per la qualità della fruizione dei beni culturali da parte di persone con esigenze specifiche” project will remain the sole instrument of recognition for the places of culture already pertaining to the Direzione Generale Musei, and in particular institutions and museums of significant national interest, as well as museums, monuments and archaeological areas of the Poli museali nazionali. Therefore, these places will not have to fill in the Art. 27 forms, and any online forms relating to these places of culture will not be included in the abovementioned booklet.

The booklet

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